Privacy Policy
General statement
The nature of any information of the site is strictly general, its purpose is solely to keep the visitors informed and cannot be interpreted as legal advice under any circumstances. The content posted might not be comprehensive and precise due to extension limitations. With the use of the site, the visitor acknowledges that any content found on the site might be used solely at their own responsibility. Please always confer with an attorney before commencing any legal actions. The content of the site is covered by copyright protection.
Cookie statement
The website, in case of using some services (to increase the quality of their use and rendering them more accessible for users), uses anonymous user IDs (cookies). The anonymous user ID (cookie) is a set of unique code identifying computers and storing profile information, and it is placed on the user's computer by the service providers. The storage itself cannot identify the user personally, it only identifies the computer. If you do not want an anonymous user ID to be placed on your computer, please set your browser so that it does not allow their placement. However, in this case, some services might not be available in the same form or quality as if the placement of anonymous user identifiers were authorised.